
If you wish to import goods into Switzerland, you will find the necessary information here. The application for reimbursement of guarantee fund contributions can be found here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday
08.00am – 12.00pm and 01.30pm – 4.30pm
08.00am – 12.00pm and 01.30pm – 4.00pm

Special opening time

The office will be partially or completely closed on the following days:

THU 17 April Holy Thursday closed from 15:00
FRI 18 April Good Friday closed
MON 21 April Easter Monday closed
WED 28 May Day before Ascension closed from 15:00
THU 29 May Ascension closed
FRI 30 May Day after Ascension closed
MON 09 June Whit Monday closed
WED 18 June Board Meeting closed
THU 31 July Day before National Day closed from 15:00
FRI 01 August National Day closed
MON 24 November Onion Market (Zibelemärit) closed from 15:00
WED 24 December Christmas Eve closed from 12:00
THU 25 December Christmas closed
FRI 26 December Boxing Day closed
WED 31 December New Year’s Eve closed from 12:00


réservesuisse genossenschaft
Schwanengasse 5+7
3001 Bern
+41 (0)31 328 72 72

Copyright 2024
réservesuisse genossenschaft