
The réservesuisse cooperative includes all natural persons, legal persons and trading companies that have concluded a compulsory stockholding agreement with the federal government for food and animal feed for national economic supply.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest body of the cooperative. Each member of the cooperative is a compulsory stockholder of a product group. The Ordinary General Assembly takes place annually within six (6) months after the end of the business year.

Administrative Board

The economic groups, types of goods and company sizes involved in compulsory stockholding should be adequately represented in the administrative board. The administrative board consists of a Chairman and 6 to 14 other members. The members are elected at the General Meeting for a term of two years.

Dr. Michael Weber


Name Company Location
Thomas Kopp (VP) Agrokommerz AG Schüpfheim
Dr. Kurt Egli Egli-Handels AG Nebikon
Christian Florin Florin AG Muttenz
Philippe Gaeng Nestlé Suisse SA Vevey
Christian Gloor Heinz & Co. AG Zürich
Peter Grossenbacher Stadtmühle Schenk AG Ostermundigen
Heinz Mollet fenaco Genossenschaft Bern
Romeo Sciaranetti Swissmill, Division der Coop Genossenschaft Zürich
Dr. Guido Stäger Schweizer Zucker AG Aarberg


Expert commissions

There is a commission of experts for each product group. This commission is composed of experts from one type of goods. The members of the expert commissions are elected at the General Assembly for a period of two years.


Company Location
Jürg Burkhalter Schweizer Zucker AG Aarberg
Marco Marquart HALBA, Division der Coop Genossenschaft Pratteln
Thomas Rutz Compagnie Grainière SA Zürich
Jeannette Schärer Zuckermühle Rupperswil AG Rupperswil
Tim Spickenbaum Mondelez Schweiz Production GmbH Bern
Bruno von Felten M-Industrie AG Buchs


Company Location
Reto Burri Kolanda-Regina AG Burgdorf
Bruno Feer Delica AG Birsfelden
Lucio Foselli Nestlé Suisse S.A. Orbe
Thomas Quinche Blaser Trading AG Bern
Andreas Schwab UCC COFFEE SWITZERLAND AG Zollikofen

Rice for consumption

Company Location
Christoph Bertschi Stutzer & Co. AG Zürich
Caroline Flecklin Reismühle Nutrex Brunnen
Patrick Mink Mars Schweiz AG Baar
Patrick Roth Migros Industrie AG Zürich

Edible oils and fats

Company Location
Lorenzo Centonze Oleificio Sabo Lugano
Daniel Christen Migros-Industrie AG Buchs
Lorenz Hauck Florin AG Muttenz
Pierre Nording Nutriswiss AG Lyss
Stephan Schenke Coop Genossenschaft Basel


Company Location
José Dorthe Groupe Minoteries SA Granges-près-Marnand
Marco Fischer Nungesser AG Rotkreuz
Christian Isler Weber & Hermann AG Zürich
Christian Oesch Vereinigung Schweiz. Futtermittelfabrikanten (VSF) Zollikofen
Jonathan Schweizer Kunz Kunath AG Burgdorf
Matthias Staehelin Swissmill, Division der Coop Genossenschaft Zürich
Hans Stettler Agrokommerz AG Schüpfheim
Daniel von Felten Meyerhans Mühlen AG Villmergen
Joseph von Rotz fenaco Genossenschaft Bern
Guido Wicki Wicki Mühle AG Schüpfheim

Administrative office

The administrative office is responsible for the operational management of the cooperative to the extent of the tasks assigned to it by the Board of Directors and the authorities.


The annual financial statements of réservesuisse cooperative are audited by the auditors Blaser Treuhand AG.

Blaser Treuhand AG
Schwarzenburgstrasse 265
3098 Köniz